Industrial facilities and businesses often release harmful gases and odors that pose a significant threat to human and environmental health. To protect the environment from these harmful substances, gas treatment systems are developed. These systems prevent the formation of acid rain by purifying acidic gases before they are released into the sky from exhaust.
The scrubber handles high temperature flows and highly humid flows. It also requires less space. In some cases, scrubbers can be adapted to existing equipment. They can also cool heated gases. The scrubber has a higher sulfur removal capacity compared to other equipment and has a low purchase cost. It can cool heated gases and neutralize corrosive gases and dust at high temperatures.
Nearly all industrial processes release toxic smoke and hazardous gases that need to be captured and removed. Special equipment must be obtained to treat flue gases, remove mercury vapor, and treat other industrial waste gases in order to meet solid environmental regulations and other control parameters.
Emissions from combustion systems pose a serious threat to public health if not treated. Special purpose products are used to remove these specific pollutants in the treatment of exhaust air flows. Studies by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and British Petroleum (BP) show that global gross domestic product is expected to double by 2040 and greenhouse gas emissions are expected to increase by about 30%. In order to achieve the goal of limiting global warming to 2°C, industrialized countries will have to reduce CO emissions.