It is a coating method made by immersing the metal to be coated in a molten zinc bath. Molten zinc creates an alloy between the two metals, increasing the durability. In addition to durability, galvanization (zinc coating) is a preferred process due to its high corrosion resistance, ease of shaping, lightness, recyclability and low cost.

Cleaning is done before hot dip coating. Dipping is performed as a result of degreasing, acid pickling, rinsing, fluxing and drying.

GESU Treatment System, which is highly experienced in the treatment of wastewater originating from acid rinsing baths in galvanizing plants, offers turnkey wastewater treatment plants for this industry branch.

Wastewater from galvanization is treated with chemical treatment (coagulation - flocculation - precipitation) processes. Flotation (DAF), Adsorption, Ion Exchange, Membrane technologies are also applicable methods.

COD, AKM, Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), oil-grease are expected pollutant parameters in wastewater sources resulting from galvanization.